
Indicators That Your Gutters Require Replacement

Here are some of the indicators that your gutters require replacement from Watkins Construction & Roofing. While we often appreciate the beauty of a Well maintained house or a freshly mowed lawn, one critical aspect of property maintenance often goes overlooked – our gutters. Despite their unassuming role, gutters are the silent heroes protecting your property from the potential destruction caused by improper water drainage.

Now, let’s get real, it is not always necessary to jump into a full replacement at the first sign of a gutter glitch. Sometimes a gutter repair will suffice. However, there are instances when a gutter replacement becomes unavoidable. Here, we will dive into five signs that scream – your gutters need a replacement.


The Gutter is Cracked, Literally!

Is your stroll around the property unveiling visible holes or cracks in your gutter system? That is a glaring sign that the time has come for a gutter replacement. Weathering and aging can cause gutter materials to deteriorate. So, routine roofing inspections are your best bet to spot such issues early.

A Waterfall, But at the Wrong Place

Imagine it is raining, and you see water overflowing, but not where it should – the drainage area. This could signal damage or clogging in your gutters due to accumulated leaves and debris. Keep an eye out for this during rainy weather.

Gutters Playing Hide and Seek

If you observe your gutters sagging, buckling, or distancing themselves from your house, it is time to address the issue. Besides impacting the gutters’ performance, such conditions might exert undue stress on your home’s structure, eventually leading to significant damage. This detachment could also hint at debris filled gutters, so bringing in an expert to assess the situation can be beneficial.

A Pool Party at Your Home’s Edge

A properly functioning gutter system should guide water from your roof away from your home. If you find water pooling around your home’s foundation, it indicates that your gutters are leaking or failing to do their job. Such circumstances can threaten your foundation and other structural elements. It is imperative to tackle this situation without delay.

Basement Looking Damp and Musty

For homes with a basement, signs of water and mold are strong indicators of a faulty gutter system. A damp basement can hint at significant issues, requiring immediate attention. If you spot any such signs, it is time to bring in the roofing professionals.

Notice Any of These Signs? Your Gutters Might be Crying Out for Help!

If you have seen any of these warning signs around your property, then hold up, it is time to pick up the phone and give the experts at Watkins Construction & Roofing a call. You see, we are not just good at fixing gutters – we are pros at replacing and installing them too. Our team has been around the block a few times and we know our stuff.

But here is the kicker – it is not just about getting your gutters fixed, it is about saving your property from a whole load of trouble. You see, unchecked gutter issues are sneaky. They start small and then boom! Before you know it, you are dealing with water damage, a saggy foundation, and a yard that has seen better days. Oh, and did we mention the dent these repairs would put in your wallet? Yeah, not fun.

Make your gutters a priority, because when they work right, so does the rest of your house.

For more information, you can reach Watkins Construction & Roofing at 601-488-3179. We service areas in Jackson, Flowood, Clinton, and Ridgeland, Meridian, Starkville Crystal Springs, and many more throughout the state of Mississippi.
