
Watkins Construction & Roofing has provided an article on tips for new homeowners. Purchasing a new home is one of the biggest milestones in the lives of most people. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an experienced pro, every house and roof is unique and special in its own way. 

However, did you know that the condition of your roof also plays a significant role in getting an affordable mortgage and homeowners’ insurance? For this reason, it’s essential to have a good understanding of your roof’s condition and how to take care of it. 

With that in mind, our experts have prepared this handy guide to help you know the ins and outs of your new roof. From accurately assessing its current condition to key tips when buying and effective methods for upkeep, read on. 

Practical Roof Repair Tips When Buying a New Home 

When purchasing a home, it is crucial to thoroughly assess the condition of its roof before making any commitment. If the roof is nearing the end of its lifespan and may require replacement within the next few years, it is important to factor this into your decision-making process. 

Once you’ve made your offer, make sure to conduct a professional roof inspection by a qualified contractor. This will ensure the integrity of the roof and eliminate any potential issues such as dry rot or roof leaks. Additionally, both your homeowner’s insurance provider and the lender will require a comprehensive inspection to determine the remaining lifespan of the roof and ensure its safety.

It is crucial to understand that a roof inspection is a separate process from a regular home inspection. While a home inspection evaluates the overall structure, including exterior and interior, as well as appliances, a roof inspection solely focuses on the condition of the roof and drainage system. The roofing contractor will provide you with a detailed report that includes any roofing problems to be addressed, as well as the expected lifespan of the roof. 

Roof Repair Options 

If there are any concerns regarding the roof of your new home, you have several options available to address the issue. One option is for the seller to bear the cost of any necessary repairs or replacements. 

Alternatively, the buyer may choose to take responsibility for the repairs or replacement. Another option is for both parties to come to a mutually agreed-upon arrangement for the cost-sharing. 

In certain circumstances, it may be more appropriate to completely replace the roof, rather than simply making repairs. This may be the case if the current roof is significantly old or in poor condition. 

In such cases, having a skilled and experienced contractor can be invaluable. They will be able to effectively negotiate and find a solution that satisfies all parties involved and keeps the sale process moving forward smoothly.

During your inspection, it is important to ensure that certain key areas are thoroughly checked, including: 

  • Missing, torn, or broken shingles
  • Shingles with worn-away granules
  • Rotted or torn rubber boots around pipes 
  • Rusted or missing flashing 
  • Chimneys that may have cracks or missing caps
  • Damaged or loose Gutters 
  • Cracked or missing caulking 
  • Sagging roofline
  • Damaged or rotted fascia boards that may be 
  • Damaged or rusted Gutters 

Importance of Regular Maintenance of Your New Roof 

As a new homeowner, it is essential to take proper care of your new roof. Any minor issues identified during the home inspection should be fixed immediately. To ensure the longevity and integrity of your roof, we recommend scheduling an annual inspection with a reputable contractor such as Watkins Construction & Roofing

To further prevent potential issues, perform regular tree trimming and remove any dead branches that may be hanging over the house. These proactive measures will not only save you some serious money, but they will also help protect and improve the overall condition and curb appeal of your home. 

For more information, you can reach Watkins Construction & Roofing at 601-488-3179. We service areas in Jackson, Flowood, Clinton, and Ridgeland, MS.
